
We are blessed for having a beautiful life, enjoying various benefits the newer technologies has brought to us. An essential need for all of us is to have a healthy and tasty food. If we observe deeply, behind a handful of food grain we consume there are so many lives involved, right from the discoverer of this food grain to farmers who cultivate to retailers who bring this to our kitchens and our lovely home makers preparing a delicious food. We have been consumers of these services for so many years now, but what we observe in the recent years is that many of the cultivation lands around us are being left idle or given to property builders. Also many who were involved in farming/agriculture sector are moving towards working in industries, what if this trend continues and what is the cause for this shift is a lingering question in our minds.

One key reason for this shift is that farmers started incurring more losses than profits in the cultivation cycle due to various reasons. If we could play our part in helping farmers to make a decent profit or have sustained monthly income they would be willing to continue cultivation.

Our ancient cultivation practice had science behind many of the activities and over the years only the activities were transitioned and not the science behind it. Our earlier cultivation style was well aligned to the nature and farmers role in converting the natural sources to food grains was easier. New generation farmers started using more of chemical fertilizers to protect the crops and increase the yield, this practice has caused significant damage to the fertility of our soil. What environment are we going to leave behind for our next generation, do we leave a fertile land or a land filled with chemicals?

We intend to play our part in bringing back the science of sustainable farming and induct newer technologies that supports it. In the process we could develop a fertile land and healthy produces from it.

Our mission for this journey at GreenyLeaf is towards addressing the following:

  •  Adopt natural, sustainable farming practices while improving land fertility for current and future generations
  •  Produce safe-to-eat farm / food products, free from toxic pesticides / chemical fertilizers
  •  Reach lives of many farmers and make their produce profitable
  •  Build a sustainable business that helps us to do more

Please join our journey to give back a healthy environment for our next generation to live in…

(Do visit www.greenyleaf.in to have a glimpse of our cultivation activities)